Scrum smells echoes the loose strings of an agile project/team. It throws light on out-of-sync or stagnancy approaching scenarios which slows down the efficiency of project. These smells need to be deodorant-ized at a swift pace to shrink its impact on a cohesively bonded team.
1. Fluctuating Spectrum of Sprint Times
The competence and momentum of a sprint profoundly relies on the duration of sprint. All sprints may not live for equal quantum of time. Hence as the time spectrum changes frequently for every sprint, the efficiency may dwindle.
The competence and momentum of a sprint profoundly relies on the duration of sprint. All sprints may not live for equal quantum of time. Hence as the time spectrum changes frequently for every sprint, the efficiency may dwindle.
2. The commonality between the unacquainted inhabitants and mushrooms
Outcomes differ with the altitude of commitment poured into a task. It is essential that the verdict of people who have endeavored in constructive, sincere manner must not be wavered off by superfluous suggestions of the casual souls of scrum team (even though all must answer THE 3’s).
Outcomes differ with the altitude of commitment poured into a task. It is essential that the verdict of people who have endeavored in constructive, sincere manner must not be wavered off by superfluous suggestions of the casual souls of scrum team (even though all must answer THE 3’s).
3. Where art thou scrum squad?!
Evolving organization culture is leaning heavily on ‘working through flexible hours’ (as efficiency increases and possible attrition decreases). Also few ‘external members’ may be working on multiple projects or may have tasks delegated on different organizational processes. This may create difficulty for attaining target audience at daily stand-ups and lead to less productive communications.
Evolving organization culture is leaning heavily on ‘working through flexible hours’ (as efficiency increases and possible attrition decreases). Also few ‘external members’ may be working on multiple projects or may have tasks delegated on different organizational processes. This may create difficulty for attaining target audience at daily stand-ups and lead to less productive communications.
4. The contagious “Lets deal it in Daily Stand ups “attitude.
The scrum team may kill time patiently till EOD to simply put forward an issue that has been lingering since morning. A lethargic attitude that diminishes the overall enthusiasm and effectiveness of the team while being exorbitantly time consuming.
The scrum team may kill time patiently till EOD to simply put forward an issue that has been lingering since morning. A lethargic attitude that diminishes the overall enthusiasm and effectiveness of the team while being exorbitantly time consuming.
5. If there is Self Motivated Workforce, why do some Scrum Masters delegate work task?
Developers should be allowed to select any user story that is within their expertise and develop the user story whilst nourishing project/organizational goals. The whole essence of self-organization and self-motivation relates from this attitude. However, instead of felicitating between PO and team, some scrum masters may naively delegate tasks to the team.
Developers should be allowed to select any user story that is within their expertise and develop the user story whilst nourishing project/organizational goals. The whole essence of self-organization and self-motivation relates from this attitude. However, instead of felicitating between PO and team, some scrum masters may naively delegate tasks to the team.
6. The Rambling Chunter
Inadvertently or deliberately few members are inclined to bull doze decisions or drone on a topic. Although the scrum master is conscientious for navigating a daily standup, it’s a self-discipline to stick to the scope of the meeting.
Inadvertently or deliberately few members are inclined to bull doze decisions or drone on a topic. Although the scrum master is conscientious for navigating a daily standup, it’s a self-discipline to stick to the scope of the meeting.
7. The ‘not there’ PO
PO is an integral part of agile. Yet he isn't considered in daily stand-ups. Ideally the PO must be in sync with the teams updates prior to sprint review meetings. This will enhance productivity at sprint reviews and get binding rhythm to the sprints.
PO is an integral part of agile. Yet he isn't considered in daily stand-ups. Ideally the PO must be in sync with the teams updates prior to sprint review meetings. This will enhance productivity at sprint reviews and get binding rhythm to the sprints.
8. Living the Roles
Scrum felicitates a philosophy of “everyone must do everything”. It’s not role specific for any work product status quo. However, a team may impinge this to suit their expertise. Evolving user stories may throw limelight on different roles and responsibilities. As a result the task is calibrated against an explicit role and not team as a whole. It may also navigate into a culture of ‘priority partners’.
Scrum felicitates a philosophy of “everyone must do everything”. It’s not role specific for any work product status quo. However, a team may impinge this to suit their expertise. Evolving user stories may throw limelight on different roles and responsibilities. As a result the task is calibrated against an explicit role and not team as a whole. It may also navigate into a culture of ‘priority partners’.
9. Technical Arrears maybe pushed through next sprints
The team may work in its comfort zone of developing user stories. Impeccably playing by their strengths, the team may easily channelize any technical impediment into further sprints leading to a “technical debt” scenario eventually.
The team may work in its comfort zone of developing user stories. Impeccably playing by their strengths, the team may easily channelize any technical impediment into further sprints leading to a “technical debt” scenario eventually.
10. Inaccurately decomposing a user story
Although an epic may be brought down at atomic level, during real-time implementation, the user story may further get divided into a development/testing facet. As a result, dependency rises, leading to risk in finishing the user story on time.
Although an epic may be brought down at atomic level, during real-time implementation, the user story may further get divided into a development/testing facet. As a result, dependency rises, leading to risk in finishing the user story on time.
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